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Holiday Club


This half terms full-day session was themed around the five ways to well-being and as usual we packed a lot in to eight hours! ⏰

💜 Connect

We connected with our friends by playing with games that were team based, involved sharing and taking turns, and being respectful and using our active listening skills. ♟

💙Be Active

We had dance movement breaks and clocked up our steps walking outdoors. 💃

💚Take Notice

We explored the community and took in the sights , sounds and smells, and practiced our breathing techniques. 👀

💛Keep Learning

We tried new things including making items for our well-being toolkit including aromatherapy bath bombs, sleepy sprays and we completed our Kindness Activity Packs. 📚


We made positive affirmation stones, and delivered happy cards and well-being gifts to our neighbours at The Green, Boyntons and Conyers. We also made “me time” bags for mums and grannies. 🛀

As always we provided a healthy, balanced menu for the day, incorporating all the main food groups and being mindful of incorporating lots and lots of fruit and vegetables….. after all how else would the children be able to see in the dark 🥕 🥕 🥕

We do all of our catering including buying, preparing and cooking in-house so that we are aware of where all of the ingredients come from and that there’s no hidden nasties, plus the children love to get involved and help. Today’s meals came in at an amazing 💰 £3.53 💰 per head, and the team provided 126 meals in total!

👩‍🍳 Today’s Menu 👩‍🍳


Pastries, fromage frais, fresh orange juice


Slow cooked beef shin with winter vegetables

Chicken with bacon and leek and peas

Crispy roast potatoes with garlic and herbs


Cheese and tomato pasta

Tuna pasta

🙏🏻 Thank you to Chester le Street and District Area Action Partnership Fun and Food for providing the finances for us to provide these amazing experiences for our children for FREE! 🙏🏻




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